About me - CV style

I started programming since I was 15, working as a programmer before I’ve started studying university.

The only way to go fast is to go well (Robert Martin).

This is something I value more as I go further in my career. For me this means strict types, static analysis and small tested units.

I do PHP the most, some node.js and go in my spare time.

To see what I’ve been doing the past couple of years, check my LinkedIn

What am I good at, what I was doing since 2017 and what I’d like to do more of

PHP under Symfony with Twig in front of it. The back-end is my second element, I’m fluent in MySql, usually handled by Doctrine. Because of PHP being single-threaded, async processing is handled through RabbitMQ and collected by workers running under Supervisor. And because all of these floats somewhere in the cloud, I can do some magic in AWS and GCP.

Regarding the elephant in the room, the frontend - I mostly prefer server-side rendering in Twig. However, sometimes an REST API layer between BE and FE is more appropriate so ReactJS is something I can do.

I like atomic GIT history with short commit messages (WHAT), and a decent description of the reason for such change (WHY). And preferably linking to a JIRA issue. I’ve seen a couple of ways to use git, either commit very atomically, or single commit for a task.

And also, if possible, commit should have a PHPUnit test of the code

Docker is not my best friend, but having project running on local with a single command is sweet.

What have I done before that and what have I forgotten most of?

Java SE/EE and some ABAP

What I like to do in my spare time

I’m going to the gym every morning and if I have energy in the afternoon I like to go to sauna or the workshop to learn welding. Or to play foosball with a beer nearby.

Lately I’m cruising Prague on my electric longboard - that is awesome adrenaline experience! Since then walking is slow and boring 😃

I frequently enjoy hobbyist work with wood or metal. Working with hands is a great way to chill out.

I made a website doprcavky.cz solely for the purpose of eliminating the time in searching gallery for some cool pictures of what I’ve built.

Does it sound good? Then send an email ;)